Harsha Kanthraj medal 5002 223 days ago
It's a little annoying that you need to upgrade facilities in the headquarters one by one, like having to wait for one facility upgrade to finish so that you can start another one, even if you have the cash to upgrade multiple facilities simultaneously. If it poses an issue to let us upgrade everything at once, atleast cap it off to 2 or 3 facilities at once.

Harry Kanterman medal 5000 222 days ago (Last edited by
Harry Kanterman 222 days ago)
While it seems like a good idea at first glance, people buying tokens and spending them on things like HQ speed-ups are one of the core ways iGP makes money. I don't disagree with you that it's potentially discouraging, or even unfair, and I think a slight rebalance could please both sides. However, a suggestion such as yours effectively halves the time to upgrade your HQs, which would start to eat away at some of iGP's revenue.

Harsha Kanthraj medal 5002 222 days ago
Fair enough, I wouldn't want them to lose out on their income, they made a really good sim and there's periodic updates to improve it, so kudos to them. But like you said, I think I'd really appreciate it if they rebalanced it, even by a tiny bit.