Ricardo Almeida medal 5000 13 years 56 days ago
I don\'t know if this was debated already but I have an ideia about the spying function.
I think a team should be able to invest resources (manpower and/or money) to protect their designs. That way, when some other team spy on a component, the Chief Designer would say that it wasn\'t possible due to security measures from that team.
Don\'t you think it\'s too easy to get a better design from another team? I mean, just one race and you have a better design from one component? In theory, a team can have a way better car in just 7 races, without investing in design!!
My ideia was having a department of security and a team could choose to use it or not. And if you use it, how much money and/or manpower should be invested in that race. Also, in this \"security\" department, they should be aware that some team did spy your designs and that they could copy it.
Did this make any sense to you? Did you understand what am I trying to say here?
What do you think?
Unknown medal 0 13 years 55 days ago
Makes sense, teams could invest in both spying and protecting designs. But for this the financial system need to be reformed though, because right now you can afford everything that the game has to offer, and your rate of development is only defined by the amount of races. It would be great if you had to make choices and take team development paths. To me feels like every aspect of the game could be so much more.

David Mitchell medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago
I do think counter espionage shoudl be introduced as you could quite feasibly have great performance one season (as your concentrating on this season) and someone coudl ctach up using espionage and still have all their design concentration on next season (which if you do the same teh following season does balance out but does make the game a tad unrealistic).
I agree the game is pretty basic at the moment, but feel that the developments planned will add further depth - I do however question if these will be soon enough to stop the humdrum and mean people lose interest.
Even the best management game (IMHO) the Championship Manager (now Football Manager) started somewhere (I'm not even a football fan and I love playing it), so I'm holding out hope that this could be teh F1 Management game that actually takes off.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago
I think those were ideas that were discussed at beta testing and may well be on the devs list of upcoming improvements.
All the facilities and functions will be added to over time.

Gisty McGisterson medal 5000 13 years 52 days ago
It would be a cool thing to implement alright
I know that pretty much half my league have entirely focused their development on next season's car, while I've focused on the current season more. Next year I'm just going to steal their designs and be caught up with them in no time at all. Its a bit silly tbqh.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 13 years 51 days ago
I like the idea of being able to protect your designs for a price. It's definitely something we will look in to.
I have to speak up on this idea that you can just clone everything and become a winner though, it's not so simple. First you would have to know who has the highest designs to have the highest likelihood of making a big enough gain to be competitive. Also, what you find with spies is always at least 1 race behind their latest designs (it's only what is fitted to the car). Thirdly, you do not gain the entire performance gap, only a portion of it. As the OP said it would take 7 races to have an entire cloned car, which is actually not as good as the cars you cloned at any stage. By this time you're out of the championship hunt already and have spent millions more than rival teams just to clone their outdated components.
The only way you could jump past all of your rivals is if they had substantially worse drivers, and it would still take until the second half of the season most likely to happen.