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Car not pitting

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medal 5298
201 days ago
Hi all, first time posting here
1.i have had 2 incident of my cars not pitting after clicking the pit now button, both happen during a refueling race, no problem on tyre only race so far
for example: strategy set to 8.2 laps of fuel, then manually clicking pit at the start of lap 8, somehow the driver didnt pit
as the fuel is not enough for lap 9, why didnt the driver pit automatically anyway? does the pit now button work?
if i click pit now at lap 8 just after the pit station, does the driver goes in this lap, meaning before lap 9, or will he finish lap 9?

player ID 304666

Best Solution -- Selected by Kevin Bissell

medal 5038
200 days ago
You need to press the pit now button atleast a few seconds before the car is approaching the pit entrance. In your instance if in the strategy you have selected an 8 lap stint, the car should stop at the end of lap 8, there is no need to press the pit now button, if you are maybe you are cancelling the arranged stop.
medal 5038
200 days ago
You need to press the pit now button atleast a few seconds before the car is approaching the pit entrance. In your instance if in the strategy you have selected an 8 lap stint, the car should stop at the end of lap 8, there is no need to press the pit now button, if you are maybe you are cancelling the arranged stop.
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