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DT And Fuel

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medal 5707
199 days ago
Since fuel was reduced to one decimal point anyone any ideas the best way to work out fuel consumption,  
I either have over 3 litres left and on the odd occasion (twice) have run out of fuel, last night in Spain I had 6.7 litres left over 3 laps.
I have been playing for 4 years now and I am really considering giving up the game altogether,  I'm disappointed at this new updated just for you to have to buy a TD or upgrade for 100 coins , 
If anyone has any idea how to get close to a ideal fuel usage it would be a great help ? 
medal 5033
199 days ago
It's all about data gathering.

If you could work out fuel before the update, surely you should be able to do so once again.

Fuel rounds up now, so instead of adding some extra liters like pre-update maybe now you need to subtract or add nothing?

Take notes after each of your races and in no time you should be able to work out what you need to do.
medal 5707
199 days ago
Cheers ,I didn't realise the fuel rounded up ,so that should help straight away ?
medal 5038
199 days ago (Last edited by Wholly Crap 199 days ago)
Hi Simon how you doing.
With no refueling it is a pain, without the fuel attribute on a TD your only getting fuel consumption to one decimal point, this means you can be up to 0.09 ltrs out on each lap. If you want to play it safe you can add .09ltrs for each lap of the race knowing you won't run out. You could play it risky and add less than that, then control push levels during the race to make sure you don't run out. 
Fuel doesn't just round up it rounds down too, so 2.0 could be 1.95 to 2.04 that's the 0.09 difference.
People say about data etc, but every season consumption changes due to design points and weather, it's still a guessing game. If your still struggling the choice is changing to a fueling league, that way you can use the first stint to learn for the rest of the race.
Have fun 
medal 5033
199 days ago (Last edited by The Myth 199 days ago)
Cheers ,I didn't realise the fuel rounded up ,so that should help straight away ?

I can't emphasis enough the need to gather data/take notes. Saves you a lot of time really.

I normally don't elaborate on these kind of posts because I believe part of the fun is discovering the solutions to the puzzles ourselves, but I don't want you to quit ?.

1. The only factor (well major factor) that affects your fuel load/use is your push level which is directly tied to the weather.

2. Fuel currently rounds up (2.01 = 2.1), this way every player is guaranteed to finish their races.

My suggestions:

1. Take note of the season (summer/winter), only those 2 extremes matter.

2. Run every race in a your calendar using the default information (without adding or subtracting extras) you get from your practice laps.

3. See the excess/deficit after each race, note it down and retest with this new information for the next time you are on that track (during the same season i.e winter/summer). You should be bang on.

It's definitely not a guessing game and you should never play it as such.

medal 5707
198 days ago
Cheers for all your help ,but I'm not sure I have time to write things ,compare data etc due to work etc , I do appreciate you input im just not sure it's viable. 
Hi Wholly how you doing , hope your ok but you and the myth should no I ran out of fuel in Turkey tonight,  0.8 litres short a 1-2 became 8 and a DNF ! It's really is getting annoying now.
medal 6116
198 days ago

Since fuel was reduced to one decimal point anyone any ideas the best way to work out fuel consumption,  
I either have over 3 litres left and on the odd occasion (twice) have run out of fuel, last night in Spain I had 6.7 litres left over 3 laps.
I have been playing for 4 years now and I am really considering giving up the game altogether,  I'm disappointed at this new updated just for you to have to buy a TD or upgrade for 100 coins , 
If anyone has any idea how to get close to a ideal fuel usage it would be a great help ? 

What I did before was add 0.06 on the second decimal. But it would still depend on the track and temps and how you push during live races.
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