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The manager did not go pro

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medal 5424
196 days ago
The season ended in our league on Friday. And the manager, who finished the season in 15th place in the elite, did not fall into the pro. Although his statistics indicate that he allegedly dropped, but in fact he remained in the elite. Now there are mistakenly 17 managers in the elite at once instead of 16.

I hope for a solution to the problem. 

Link to the league:

Link to the manager who did not go pro:
medal 5144 Super Mod
196 days ago
Thank you for reporting this.

I will move this thread to Bugs and escalate to the support team so that they can resolve the problem for you.
medal 5683
196 days ago
Also the game didn't noticed I had got the championship, you can see this in my driver stats.
medal 5207
196 days ago

The season ended in our league on Friday. And the manager, who finished the season in 15th place in the elite, did not fall into the pro. Although his statistics indicate that he allegedly dropped, but in fact he remained in the elite. Now there are mistakenly 17 managers in the elite at once instead of 16.

I hope for a solution to the problem. 

Link to the league:

Link to the manager who did not go pro:

Yeah, I can confirm that, I have got an email after the season ended, saying that I've been relegated,but I am still in elite championship table.  Although the manager finished 16th was relegated successlully and I see him in Pro table. The new season begins tomorrow,  and I don't know what to do.

medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
196 days ago
Hello Dimas,

I'm sorry for any problems this may have caused. It has been fixed.
medal 5683
196 days ago
The game still doesn't show my driver Jones got the championship, please, help.
medal 5424
196 days ago

Hello Dimas,

I'm sorry for any problems this may have caused. It has been fixed.

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