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Scam glitch? (Screen recorded evidence)

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medal 5218
194 days ago (Last edited by Enzo Forzanini 193 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Tried Buy 1030 tokens for 0.99 as advertised, with screen recorded proof.. (bait and switch)

What happened instead?
The google store then attempt a purchase of $99 but my card declined... (wouldn't have and would have been scammed out of $99 if I had my limit set to full) for evidence I have it all screen recorded... this screen recorded "glitch" seems very scammy to me..

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Edit, yes.. the glitch is in the store right now. Sometimes its there being advertised,  then a little while later the advertised prices seem to change like it's  proggrammed to offered certain deals at certain times, but it did show the 0.99 deal again and I was able to make  a second screen recording of the bait and switch pricing from the igp store to Google play store... and again, the attempt to charge my card $99 and not 0.99 as advertised

Additional comments:
medal 5110 Super Mod
194 days ago
Hello Christopher

Please clear the cache, this should resolve the problem.

Thank you for reporting this - the developers are aware and a permanent fix is coming in a future update. 

If you clear your game's cached data, the correct prices will be shown - and as you say, even when the incorrect prices are shown in the shop, the correct price will be applied at the checkout.
medal 5218
193 days ago (Last edited by Enzo Forzanini 193 days ago)
The only reason the $99 wasn't scammly taken out was because my card declined the google store has the wrong price not the other way around if the in Game store is advertising $0.99... it needs to charge only 0.99 in the google store... its legally called bait and switch if a store says one price but tries to charge you something else at check out.. is this dev from the USA(they are based in London with a similar protection laws).. because this scammy glitch is most likely against consumer protection laws specifically bait an switch.. I have this all screen recorded so the evidence of this bait and switch is firmly documented. 
Dev is Based out of London, 
"Is bait and switch illegal in the UK?
In England and Wales, bait and switch is banned under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008; breaking this law can result in a criminal prosecution, an unlimited fine and two years in jail." Hey Dev this so-called "glitch" is very scammy.. i'm reporting your company.. with my video evidence. I'm Sure you are going to Ban me for telling the truth and wanting to protect other players..  a nother player said a fix is coming,be prepared to show that fix to the regulators.. just got off the phone with the  UK consumer help line... the evidence has been emailed, I did mention that a player said the dev is working on a fix but if that's not true the DEVs better make it true! the Consumer Protection office now knows, so get to work and fix this bug... 
medal 5790
193 days ago
The only reason the $99 wasn't scammly taken out was because my card declined the google store has the wrong price not the other way around if the in Game store is advertising $0.99... it needs to charge only 0.99 in the google store... its legally called bait and switch if a store says one price but tries to charge you something else at check out.. is this dev from the USA(they are based in London with a similar protection laws).. because this scammy glitch is most likely against consumer protection laws specifically bait an switch.. I have this all screen recorded so the evidence of this bait and switch is firmly documented. 
Dev is Based out of London, 
"Is bait and switch illegal in the UK?
In England and Wales, bait and switch is banned under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008; breaking this law can result in a criminal prosecution, an unlimited fine and two years in jail." Hey Dev this so-called "glitch" is very scammy.. i'm reporting your company.. with my video evidence. I'm Sure you are going to Ban me for telling the truth and wanting to protect other players..  a nother player said a fix is coming,be prepared to show that fix to the regulators.. if you really aren't trying to scam your players.. 

Do not do that,trust the devs.

If they didn't do that until now why should they do it now?
Probably it was just a glitch and that's all.If you are going to report the company and they have the evidence it was just a glitch i think you will have to pay,and if they are right i think you don't want to pay,but you will jave to do it
medal 5218
193 days ago
Bogdan, so you're telling me Don't tell the UK protection about a glitch that is scaming customers.. haha.. OK bud.. yeah let me keep my mouth shut so more people can come across this and potentially get scammed .. it clearly tries to charge $99 when the store says it was 0.99 cents... 
medal 5790
193 days ago
Bogdan, so you're telling me Don't tell the UK protection about a glitch that is scaming customers.. haha.. OK bud.. yeah let me keep my mouth shut so more people can come across this and potentially get scammed .. it clearly tries to charge $99 when the store says it was 0.99 cents... 

You can do that if you want,but if they do not want to scam people and it's just a glitch.If they want to scam the people you are right,do that,but if they don't want and it was just a visual bug for you i think it's not the best to report.But if they want to do that and the bug(if it is) is for more people you have to report.I didn't see a visual bug with the prices in the shop ever,and that's why i think is just a glitch
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
193 days ago
Hi Christopher, I am writing this resigned to knowing you're probably going to be skeptical of anything we say. I also respect your perspective and understand your frustration. It seems entirely reasonable from your view that this may have been "by design" given the coincidental 0.99 to 99 price in your report but I can assure you it isn't. In most currencies the prices don't align like that either, in GBP it would have been £0.99 and £79.99, for example. I can also assure you that if you wanted a refund, we would have considered this an entirely valid reason to issue one and it would have been dealt with immediately.

I'm going to provide you with a full technical explanation for what the issue is and how soon we expect to have it fixed.

The underlying game engine for iGP Manager is Unity. We've been stuck on the 2019 version of Unity for several years now, and it is no longer receiving LTS (Long Term Support). Essentially, it's a deprecated / outdated version of Unity.

A few months ago, Google Play enforced a strict requirement that all apps must update to their latest billing library (where we get the prices you see from - they do not come from us - Google does all the currency conversion and hands us the prices). The billing library we were forced to upgrade to is not compatible with Unity 2019. For various technical reasons, upgrading our Unity version was not an option at that time, which created a serious dilemma. Failure to upgrade the billing library would have resulted in iGP Manager being removed from the stores entirely. As a temporary workaround, we were able to place the modern Google Play billing library inside a wrapper which ran and was stable inside of Unity 2019, which is a legitimate solution. This kept us in the stores while we completed the Unity version upgrade needed to reach a modern LTS version.

Our app receives an array of prices from the billing library and then places them on the product page, and in fact you can read the source code that does this for yourself, it's viewable in your browser by reading JavaScript, so you can actually see exactly how we place the price on the page and see we just dump the values of an array (a web developer could review this easily if you want confirmation from a third-party - I'd be happy to point them to it). For reasons that are unclear to me, within Unity 2019 and the Google Play billing library, as it was integrated, sometimes the array is given to the website in the wrong sequence, which means the prices appear in the wrong order. In rare cases when this occurs, it can be resolved by going to Settings > Clear Cache, as you were instructed to do by the moderator above.

Also, as mentioned above, we've recently completed the Unity upgrade behind the scenes. This version of Unity is compatible with the latest billing library by default, and furthermore we have confirmed that this issue no longer occurs. We are preparing it for release and it's currently in QA testing. We hope it will be ready soon but have identified a few bugs in the race viewer which need to be resolved before it is ready.
medal 5038
193 days ago (Last edited by Wholly Crap 193 days ago)
It's definitely not a scam and as Red says if you go to settings and clear the cache the correct prices are displayed. It's happened to me a few times, if I remember correctly all token packages are shown at 0.99 which anyone with any common sense would know that's not correct. It's been mentioned a few times before on the forum with similar responses from Devs so it's a known thing for experienced players, as the OP is new guess he jumps to conclusions that everything is a scam.
medal 5218
193 days ago (Last edited by Enzo Forzanini 193 days ago)
It's definitely not a scam and as Red says if you go to settings and clear the cache the correct prices are displayed. It's happened to me a few times, if I remember correctly all token packages are shown at 0.99 which anyone with any common sense would know that's not correct. It's been mentioned a few times before on the forum with similar responses from Devs so it's a known thing for experienced players, as the OP is new guess he jumps to conclusions that everything is a scam.

common sense? Yeah… sure.. my post isn’t about  wanting the deal… its more about the about advertising rules, the Devs know it is a problem and it seems like from your comment it has been an issue for a while? How many months? bait and switch is a real thing and there are real laws protecting consumers from it in the UK,  you can’t say something is on low price to get people to try to buy and then change the price and try to take that much higher price.. regardless if it is a glitch or is still happening to people, it is a known issue that seems like it has been this way for a while, the common sense comment may have been a dig at me and so be it, but MY common sense knows that this “glitch” NEEDS to be fixed, without needing a work around… and the Dev said it is coming so that’s good, but let’s see how many more months and how many more of these posts come up until it is fixed…

Let’s say I owned a store, my printer prints the wrong sales price and I put that up on my window, someone comes in and tries to buy that item.. I tell them the sign is wrong because the printer is broken and printed the wrong price.. that is what is happening, they need to fix the printer.. regardless of the situation I am advertising something that isn’t true and I know that there is a a issue and I still keep my sign up.. and how many months has it been? The devs are fixing it so that’s great.. but let’s see how many more of these posts come up and how many more months, if it’s Quick incoming patch, or coming in at a reasonable time, great! but if it’s months away… then they need to do something more then just being reactive when people “walk into the store and go to the cash register with the intention of the window advertised price” 

medal 5038
193 days ago
They not advertising it at the wrong price, it's a problem with the device hence clearing the cache rectifies it. If it was advertised wrong then everyone would see the wrong price but they don't. Did clearing the cache bring up the correct prices, are they still showing the correct prices, if so they can't be advertising it incorrectly. Once you enter the Google pay part it then shows the price you will be paying again giving the customer the option to continue or not.
Mountain out of a mole hill springs to mind.
medal 5263
192 days ago
We all have this "scam glitch", but when you click on purchase, always show you correct price.
And if you clear cache as people before mentioned, this "scam glitch" will dissppear
Damn if devs were from US, probably they will have already invitation to court ?
medal 5144 Super Mod
192 days ago
IMO either a troll trying to draw attention to himself or a more experience iGP Manager who has an issue with the game/staff. A keyboard warrior too cowardly to reveal his true identity so created an Alt account solely for the purpose of triggering this debate.

He'd competed in just four races before creating this thread. He has sacked his original drivers and employed just about the worst possible driver as a replacement. Today he moved league and will no doubt struggle there.

He's not worth wasting your time on. Best to just ignore him in the hope he'll go away and find some other cause to rant about.
medal 5019
192 days ago

IMO either a troll trying to draw attention to himself or a more experience iGP Manager who has an issue with the game/staff. A keyboard warrior too cowardly to reveal his true identity so created an Alt account solely for the purpose of triggering this debate.

He'd competed in just four races before creating this thread. He has sacked his original drivers and employed just about the worst possible driver as a replacement. Today he moved league and will no doubt struggle there.

He's not worth wasting your time on. Best to just ignore him in the hope he'll go away and find some other cause to rant about.

Talent 0 driver ?

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