Elliot Southerton medal 5000 13 years 58 days ago
I've just been sent admin controls of the league as the oringinal league creator wasn't actually in our league. Is there anyway for me to change the schedule of the races? Most are unhappy with having two races at the weekend and would like a greater number spread throughout the week. Thanks

Jason Brownhill medal 5000 13 years 58 days ago
I noticed the same thing. New to the game and then signed up for one race a week without realising what it meant - no activity!! Had to delete the league in the end, pretty tough though if you''re several races through it already.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 58 days ago
You have to create a new league to change something as fundamental as the days the races are on. You can change the times but not the days.
Why? A league can have up to 96 managers in it (32 in each tier in a 1 car league) and most of them will presumably choose a league based on the convenience of the schedule. If the schedules were being changed by hosts often it could inconvenience lots of people.

Leon James medal 5000 13 years 58 days ago
As a subscriber I would find a change to the time to be the most inconvenient.

Elliot Southerton medal 5000 13 years 57 days ago
several people requested a change but as it seems it cannot be done then it's tough loving :P