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Taking over hosting

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medal 4904
189 days ago
The league I'm in has inactive host (16 days now). I've waited to take over hosting as I wasn't in the league for 20 races. 

I still can't take over, and I assume it's because I have 15 races in PRO and now 5 in ELITE. I'd like some help here because the league has 7 days pouse between seasons and I think it kills it's potential. 

I'm wondering if devs/mods can help out here so I can set proper settings and held some voting on the league rules. 
medal 5025
189 days ago
I think you'll be able to become a league host soon, you might have to wait for a few more races, when you become a league host you'll be able to run polls, change league rules, and modify off days between seasons. 
I advise you to wait until you become a host to be able to do everything you have in mind and remember to use polls to change important things like league rules and off days between seasons.
medal 4904
188 days ago
Thank you, Luis!
medal 5019
188 days ago

The league I'm in has inactive host (16 days now). I've waited to take over hosting as I wasn't in the league for 20 races. 

I still can't take over, and I assume it's because I have 15 races in PRO and now 5 in ELITE. I'd like some help here because the league has 7 days pouse between seasons and I think it kills it's potential. 

I'm wondering if devs/mods can help out here so I can set proper settings and held some voting on the league rules. 

I’m afraid you’re right and you need 20 races in elite, I don’t think 15 in pro and 5 in elite would make it possible. So you’re right to post in here if you ask me

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