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Flags voting results

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medal 5767
187 days ago (Last edited by Bogdan Fulga 187 days ago)
So now thread was closed,and the results of the poll say 66.67% don't want to have vsc,sc or red flags.I understand why you don't want them,I was playing the game when they were added for the first time(on another account) and i understand your votes,i know how bad it was in 2020 or when were they added,don't remember.And I understand you don't want to have the luck factor in the game.(I decided to surrender,i still think they cab make better than how was 4 years ago,but the majority is saying to not add them back)
I'm sorry for insisting so much on this suggestion, but I really thought I could convince you that the flags could be added back and that it would make the game better.
I apologize for making a new thread, but I felt that I couldn't calm down until I apologized for always insisting on that idea.
Thank you for everyone who voted! :)
Have great racing!?
medal 5110 Super Mod
186 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 186 days ago)
Hi Bogdan.

It was a good discussion and it’s not a problem to bring these topics up for fresh discussion every now and again, you did nothing wrong through the discussion in fighting for your viewpoint. What I really was trying to push from you was a detailed idea of how you could see it working. 

What would cause the accidents, what would trigger the safety car, what would determine the severity of the incident and therefore which form of measure to activate. It’s a very complicated topic.

I’ll close this thread down now before we get another really long discussion but if you have any detailed ideas you want to share feel free to drop me a direct message and we can talk it through.

Edit: to clarify I’m offering to discuss personally with bogdan to help develop his ideas for future proposals on the forum and not in a formal iGP supported capacity. What I should be doing here is having half the post in mod colours and in plain old user white. I’ll switch it to white to show most of this is my own opinion. Originally had in my mod colours since I closed the topic off the back of it.
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