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Healing Drivers Bug

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medal 5000
8 years 136 days ago
I was training my drivers there and had 101 tokens in the bank sp I decided to train them to zero health and heal them.
To heal a driver from pretty much zero health is 10 tokens and I was prompted that to heal both would be 20 tokens but when I clicked the button to accept I was deducted 40 tokens.

Jack, has this issue occurred before?
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 134 days ago
Hi Graham, looking at your account I can see that you made two heal purhcases quite far apart, from when you had 101 Tokens.

20 Tokens were spent on healing, twice, at the followig times:
2016-09-30 18:13:19
2016-09-29 09:17:05

This brought the account down from 101 Tokens to 61. If this is what you are referring to, are you sure you are not mistaken and didn't realise that you had done it on two consecutive days? Perhaps you even had an old tab open from the day before with 101 Tokens still showing in the top corner, but when you clicked heal it went down to 61 from 101 because you had reduced it to 81 the night before (in another tab). This could explain how it would go from 101 to 61 for example.
medal 5000
8 years 111 days ago
Hi Jack,

Apologies for the slow response and thank you for your rapid one :)

From your records it says that my tokens were spent over 2 days but i was sure that i lost 40 in one go on 2016-09-30. As you said perhaps I had not refreshed my screen but that is unlikely as I typically log off each night. It's not a massive deal I just wanted to see if you could see anything untoward in the back end of the system. Thanks for checking.
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