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Why is opponent much faster?

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medal 5000
166 days ago
Currently in my league, there is a team that always dominates the race and gets 1st in each race with a very wide gap averaging at a minute. I've been trying to figure out why they're so much faster than me, and I just can't figure it out.

Stats-wise, my team should be better, as my car is the most developed car at the moment based on spying, and their drivers and staff are not better than mine either, as they are all beginner drivers and staff who aren't even trained.

The issue I'm most confused about happened in the latest race that occured, where I got the fastest lap time in practice and got pole position for quali, but as soon as the race started I was instantly overtaken by this team before the first turn and a 6-second gap quickly formed just after the 1st lap. To note, we both had the same tires (inter) because it was raining.

Does anyone have any insights on what I could be lacking or their team has that makes me unable to catch up to them, even with similar strategies?
medal 5110 Super Mod
166 days ago
Hey there jose.

I see you are in a 100% distance no refuelling league.

So the first thing I would suggest you think about fuel. 

Check your race reports for your drivers and see how much fuel they are finishing the race with. If you were perfectly fuelled, they would finish with less than 1L (difficult to achieve, but any excess fuel you are carrying is excess weight through the whole race).

If you are already ok on this front. Then consider increasing your fuel economy. It sounds to me like your opponent may be starting the race with substantially lighter cars and this could be due to fuel levels.
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