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Error with race entries

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5551
127 days ago
Что Вы пытались сделать?
Enter the race

Что случилось вместо этого?
Endless race loading, which is fixed by several restarts to the game (usually 1-3 restarts to the game completely)

Возникла ли проблема при использовании Wi-Fi, мобильных данных или их обоих?

Баг произошел в приложении на смартфоне, в браузере на ПК или везде?

Какая модель вашего устройства?
Redmi 9

Какая операционная система?

Какой номер версии операционной системы?

Может ли баг быть воспроизведен?
Don't know.

Дополнительные комментарии:
This bug appeared after the server change and many people complain about it, but it still hasn't been fixed.
medal 5767
127 days ago

Что Вы пытались сделать?
Enter the race

Что случилось вместо этого?
Endless race loading, which is fixed by several restarts to the game (usually 1-3 restarts to the game completely)

Возникла ли проблема при использовании Wi-Fi, мобильных данных или их обоих?

Баг произошел в приложении на смартфоне, в браузере на ПК или везде?

Какая модель вашего устройства?
Redmi 9

Какая операционная система?

Какой номер версии операционной системы?

Может ли баг быть воспроизведен?
Don't know.

Дополнительные комментарии:
This bug appeared after the server change and many people complain about it, but it still hasn't been fixed.

If you play on 3d mode try to play on 2d,and if you play on 2d it's just the game being slow,happens to me too
medal 6377
126 days ago
3D mode is crashing intermittently at 100% loading race.
Some days can't get into the race at all in 3D mode
medal 5551
121 days ago
I don't use 3D, only 2D
medal 5110 Super Mod
121 days ago
Please could you try fully uninstalling the app and then reinstalling?

This has been successful for some others experiencing this issue.
medal 5551
114 days ago

Please could you try fully uninstalling the app and then reinstalling?

This has been successful for some others experiencing this issue.

This did not help, the error was not corrected.
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