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The lace is not completed

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medal 5678
109 days ago
I am a league admin.
 My league's today's race has been incomplete for a long time and I can't enter it. Please fix this issue ASAP.
medal 5437 Super Mod
109 days ago

Sorry that you have been affected by this issue. I have flagged this thread to the Support Team so that they can rectify it for you. 

Thank you.
medal 5678
109 days ago (Last edited by Makoto Nakano 108 days ago)
As yesterday's race was not yet finished, we were unable to set up for today's race, and so today's race ended without us being able to participate.

This appears to be an issue that is only occurring at the elite class.

I hope this is resolved as soon as possible as it has significant implications for the championship.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
108 days ago
Hello Makoto,

Sorry that you have been affected by this issue.
I've skipped the affected race and rescheduled a rerun for the Brazil race.
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