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Unrealistic Sponsor Goals

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medal 6501
76 days ago
So for around 5 races in a row, my sponsor has been setting the goal to finish 1st. The problem is, there is no qualities in my team that makes this goal reasonable. For one, I'm 7 levels behind the competition (lvl 23 to 30) and two, I'm not the most developed car in the league. Even after finishing P5 or P4, the sponsor still demands P1. Back when I was dominating with a lot of wins in a row, my sponsor didn't raise their standards at all and only ask for 10th, and at some point raised it to 6th when I had a little struggle. Is this some kind of bug? Because on my experience on other accounts, the sponsors are really flexible and immediately lower the bar when you underperform, unlike this one where it's really stiff and refuses to budge. If it is a bug, I think my theory would be the fact that the sponsor standards lags behind by an amount of races because it now asks for 1st right after I stopped getting 1st and consistently asks for 10th when I managed to win 10 in a row.
medal 6501
75 days ago
Update: After 6 races the sponsor has finally lowered it down to 7th
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