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Race schedule messed up

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medal 4873
59 days ago
I am hosting a league. A few days ago I decided that it might be a good idea to give the players a day off on the 25th. The race was Spain - there were 4 races remain after that. I moved Spain from the 25th December to the 2nd of January. The server then subsequently moved the remaining 4 races to January following the 2nd. We now have a 7 day wait before we can finish the rest of the season. I reported this issue to the customer support team as well as the administrator and got no response. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so - how was it solved??.
medal 5677 Community Manager
59 days ago

Support is informed.
medal 5110 Super Mod
59 days ago
Hi Race. It seems support are on it, but I’ll add that it seems the original issue is your understanding of how the postponement process works.

You expected to move a single race from one place to another, but that isn’t how the process works, during the postponement process a warning message display stating that all races between the old and the new data will be postponed. What you should have done is moved the race on the 25th to the 26th.

So in terms of the system, no problems and working as designed. However that doesn’t change the fact you have a situation and hopefully support will be able to help you out when they are next available.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
59 days ago

I got as far as replying to your original post, but it was me who never got a reply. Still, I've rescheduled the calendar and there is already a race for tonight.
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