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DP Not Resetting Properly due to DP Being granted after season end

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medal 5200
50 days ago
What did you try to do?
When the last race in the season had been completed, I was waiting for the rookie/pro races to finish, and so I went to the “car” page from the menu. I saw that I had 21DP (L21) to spend, which were new following the completion of the season finale. My car hadn’t been reset yet as all league races hadn’t yet wrapped up, and so not thinking much of it, I used 11DP on braking, and saved. Having possibly stayed in the car screen through the car reset, I added the remaining 10DP to fuel econ.

What happened instead?
Clearly, applying these DPs between the race end and car reset/rookie finish overrode the game mechanics, and meant that my starter car now has an extreme amount of braking vs everyone else, equal to what I’d had before the last race plus the 11 I added after, as well as 10 more than it should on FE. Note, engine used is set to +30 accel. DP shouldn’t have been granted after last race, nor should car window be accesible between elite race finish and season end (rookie finish), to my knowledge.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
iPhone X

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Reproducibility is unknown, but it can only happen in the small window of time between last elite race in a season finishing, and the last rookie/pro race finishing, which is when the season is deemed to be closed and the point at which car reset occurs.

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