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Argem 1

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medal 5120
31 days ago

I left the old league and joined a new league. Argem is all between 1 and 5. What is the reason?
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
31 days ago
Hello Ayberk,

You left an ongoing league so you have been penalised for joining a new league.
medal 5110 Super Mod
31 days ago
Hi Ovih, Ayberk

Small correction. The issue is joining a league season that is already in progress, rather than when you left the league.

When you join a league in progress, your car design is based on the following logic.

CD Strength: 3 * number of races completed in current season
CD Weakness: 1 * number of races completed in current season
All Other stats: 2 * number of races completed in current season

Design points for customisation: 3 * number of races completed in the season.

I cannot recall the reasons for this other than it was introduced a long time ago to prevent some sort of exploit.

It is always best to join a new league during it's off season.
medal 5144 Super Mod
31 days ago
Design reset rules have been in place since July 2018... New Design Balancing system when changing leagues

Before this there were huge problems. Promoted teams started the season with a design equivalent to their previous tier (almost inevitable they would be relegated again at the end of the season). Relegated teams would start the season with overpowered design for the tier. We also had a second season bug for people joining a different league. IIRC this was much more pronounced than the existing N+1 bug and it was impossible to reset a car to have the same design as the rest of the league.
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