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Unfair Disqualification

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medal 5648
24 days ago (Last edited by David McCoi 24 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Autopoligon. Monaco. 29.01.25
I tried to go my strategy 11SS-11SS-11SS-15S-11SS for pilot Bolek, but after the pit stop on lap 33, the race monitor showed that my driver was driving SuperSoft, and the other managers saw it, while the pilot's monitor showed the correct tires - Soft. The same correct tires we can see in csv file.
also some issue i saw in tires strategy tab at race monitor (have a photo).
summary, i lost about 10 points for pilot and team

What happened instead?
disqualification cause one type of tire

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Mobile data

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Yandex, but this is not PC or Browser issue, cause other pilot finished normally

Can the bug be reproduced?
i have a photos, and whole video (but from another manager)

Additional comments:
he was in 8th position and had a significant margin of KERS. but the pilots in front did not. This could allow him to take a higher place, even 5. This is a loss of 10 pts for the pilot & team

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medal 5110 Super Mod
24 days ago
Flagging to support. I can see in your race results that it is as you said, supersofts and softs show as used.
medal 5648
17 days ago
ok, any news? more than a week has passed and the end of the season is coming soon. maybe a couple hundred tokens will compensate for the moral damage and suffering
medal 5648
11 days ago

Flagging to support. I can see in your race results that it is as you said, supersofts and softs show as used.

what about this bug? 
medal 5110 Super Mod
11 days ago
Hi David, I've not forgotten it but all I can do is flag for support sorry, I imagine all the update issues have taken priority but when things have returned to a more stable state hopefully someone will take a look.
medal 5648
11 days ago

Hi David, I've not forgotten it but all I can do is flag for support sorry, I imagine all the update issues have taken priority but when things have returned to a more stable state hopefully someone will take a look.

i understand that update issues have a priority, but in few races the season in our league will finish. And then this bug nobody will try to solve. Perfect tactic.

Anyway i think that once this bug appears in another league/season/player.

Thanks you for your cooperation
medal 5677 Community Manager
11 days ago
Hey David,

I've compensated you with 10 tokens. Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused to you.
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