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medal 5145
22 days ago
Hey everyone. My team currently runs Donelots and have been for many seasons. They have been good for me because a majority of my wins and championships have been on them. 7 wins so far this season. But what other tires for this time of The year is better?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5110 Super Mod
21 days ago
It depends on the league and circuits that you are on. Donelots provide +5 Tyre Economy and -1 Handling, in terms of pure Design, they provide a net 4 boost and are the only tyres that do this.

In competitive leagues, Goodweek and Bridgerock tend to be quite popular as they provide additional stats in the big 4 area, at the cost of tyre economy. So are a good pick for when qualifying position is important.

Michigan and Komeholme also see some use. Michigan only in specific areas, komeholme are esentially dunlots without the handling penalty.
medal 5104
21 days ago
I would recommend more on softs and mediums. Softs for tracks with low tire wear. Hards are only for tracks with really high tire wear. 
medal 5110 Super Mod
21 days ago
It depends on the league and circuits that you are on. Donelots provide +5 Tyre Economy and -1 Handling, in terms of pure Design, they provide a net 4 boost and are the only tyres that do this.

In competitive leagues, Goodweek and Bridgerock tend to be quite popular as they provide additional stats in the big 4 area, at the cost of tyre economy. So are a good pick for when qualifying position is important.

Michigan and Komeholme also see some use. Michigan only in specific areas, komeholme are esentially dunlots without the handling penalty.
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