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League problem

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medal 5161
19 days ago

I need the help from any of the developers as, because of the new changes to how the leagues work, my league will need to unfairly go on a break.

I understand the reasoning behind the new system, and I also agree that something needed to be done about inactive accounts, however, because of the execution of said system, my league is getting hit as collateral damage. To give some context, my league is a private league and has been active since last August, with weekly races since, and for it to be competitive, everyone started on fresh accounts, but because of this weekly race schedule, which is in place because all members either have work or school to worry about, none of us has yet made it to level 10, despite being active for essentially the last 6 months.

With this in mind, I find us being affected by the new tier system entirely unfair, because not only are we active, but we've also had to spend tokens to create the league. So, I'd like to ask any developer if there's the possibility of manually promoting all 10 of us to the pro tier of our league, so we can continue racing. I've been going back and forth with one of the moderators, Kevin, and he's taken note of everyone's account ID to make the process easier if we do get the chance to be promoted manually.

I please ask you to consider this thread, as our league means a lot to us, other than that, have the rest of a great day.
medal 5110 Super Mod
19 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 19 days ago)
Did you delete your previous post and that had been responded to?

Edit: Nope found it.

Please do not repost like this, as mod's we've done all we can for you in raising the issue. Unfortunately, its unlikely that there is any time to do anything to assist you before the update. If the admin's have anything to add, they will do so when they are able.

I understand the frustration you feel but from a personal perspective I don't see how any kind of exception would work In advance of the update, so you need to prepare for some disruption. Best advice I can give now is to wait for the update and work out a new way forwards. If Kevin has been working with you then there's still hope for the future. 

Sorry I can't be of more help right now.
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