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Live viewer gets stuck at loading

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medal 5000
8 years 123 days ago
My friend has a problem which started two nights ago. He seems to be unable to join live races anymore, as he gets stuck at the race viewer loading screen. Apparently, it always gets stuck on "Preparing 1/8". He uses Firefox, but also tried with Internet Explorer (or maybe Chrome, I'm not sure right now) with the same thing happening. Is there any way to resolve this?
medal 5000
8 years 122 days ago
The problem is fixed now! FYI Java reinstallation seemed to have fixed the problem.
medal 5088
8 years 122 days ago
That's strange because the game doesn't run on Java. LOL
medal 5000
8 years 122 days ago
I was thinking the same thing, but he didn't know the new viewer is not powered by Java and it worked :)
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 122 days ago
It's likely he just had some cached data on the website. Does your friend use a Mac by any chance? There was a bug with webkit browsers which caused issues in Safari for a couple of days. Same with Android and iOS browsers.
medal 5094
8 years 121 days ago
The race viewer is seriously buggy. Problems with loading. I find it happens most when I'm traveling and not using my regular ISP. Have to try many times to get in. As I said before, it would be good to have more time between race locked and go to race to allow for sorting out such problems. Just a few more mins would be ideal.
medal 5000
8 years 121 days ago (edited 8 years 121 days ago)
The race viewer is seriously buggy. Problems with loading. I find it happens most when I'm traveling and not using my regular ISP. Have to try many times to get in. As I said before, it would be good to have more time between race locked and go to race to allow for sorting out such problems. Just a few more mins would be ideal.

We already have 2 extra minutes using the live button in the league area.
9:30 race
locks at 9:20
Live to connect at 9:23(League Area After Qualifying Results)
Go to race at 9:25
So how many more minutes are you looking for? Remember weather changes effect the optimal setup and if it's raining or drying up, you might start on the wrong compound even more so than it is now.
medal 5094
8 years 121 days ago
I didn't realize the live to connect thing was there. Thanks for pointing out. That should probably be enough time. Today I was traveling and tried to go to race at 7:25am (race start was 7:30). Took ages for viewer to load - like 90 secs and then I'd get an error message. So I tried again. Another 90 secs before I'd get another error message. So tried a different browser (Chrome) but that won't run the viewer it seems. Another minute or so to try that. So then back to Firefox for another couple of attempts and eventually get in. So by the time I got in, it was about 7 laps into the race. Its hard to anticipate the time it takes because the access issues aren't consistent. Works fine when at home. Problems when at a different physical location. Pretty well every time. I understand the need to have lock and start as close as possible. I thought 10 mins might be OK but you'd know better. I reckon it would be a good idea for you to have a closer look at the loading issues for the viewer. Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining. Just trying to help by letting you know what problems are occurring. Very happy with the game and know its impossible to please everyone.
medal 5000
8 years 120 days ago
Sounds to me like you are connecting with 4G and if your moving around you are losing 4G signal and switching to 3G signal. Instead of using Auto select try setting it manually to 4G only, if you find your getting nothing then get on the blower to the network and tell them to sort out their coverage & change it to 3G only.
medal 5094
8 years 120 days ago
I'm was in a hotel room. I can only select the network they give me. I have no idea if it is 3G or 4G or what. Only the name of it. Connecting wirelessly via a Mac.
medal 5088
8 years 119 days ago
Well there's your problem. I've never been in a hotel that has ever had good Wi-Fi and internet speed beyond doing simple browsing.

Maybe five star hotels are better?

Regardless, if you are staying at hotels, surely they should still have a business area with computers. Hop on those and live manage from there. Literally nobody is ever in the business area.
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