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Headquarters Upgrade Time

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medal 5608
17 days ago
I started upgrading my manufacturing building in the headquarters a day before the update and it said it would take 2 days and now when I look at the headquarters section it says it will take a little over 6 days. Is there anyway you can reduce the upgrade time to the original amount of 2 days because I did not expect the upgrade time to increase when I started the upgrade. If not can you tell managers if they are changing HQ upgrade times before an update the next time y’all do it.
medal 5677 Community Manager
17 days ago
Hey Ethan,

I understand your concern. It was an unforeseen problem. Construction times were edited so it's very fast paced at early levels and little bit longer during end game stage.
medal 5608
17 days ago

Hey Ethan,

I understand your concern. It was an unforeseen problem. Construction times were edited so it's very fast paced at early levels and little bit longer during end game stage.

Ok thank you for telling me. I understand why you made the change as it makes the HQ upgrade times more in line with leveling times
medal 5677 Community Manager
17 days ago
The amount of changes has been huge and we did lose track of this one specifically and forgot to explicitly mention it in the blogs.
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