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Sprint Race restart

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medal 5084
17 days ago
What did you try to do?
I'm trying to get XP from a Sprint Race.

What happened instead?
Sprint Race restarted after the end of previous one.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
17 days ago
Hi, do you mean another race stated immediately following the last one? Or do you mean the race that was ongoing restarted?
medal 5084
17 days ago (Last edited by The Leapfrogger 17 days ago)
Hi, do you mean another race stated immediately following the last one? Or do you mean the race that was ongoing restarted?

I don't really know. I just found after the end of the race that race is still showed as "live". When I open that race, it shows the same Sprint Race (by "the same" I mean same track and same opponents), but it's lap 3.

I didn't get any XP from it. Car also didn't break.
medal 6012
17 days ago (Last edited by James Alexander 17 days ago)
The same thing keeps happening to me its the same race and the same teams doing the same strategies and I can't gain xp even when my races did originally finish please helpnothings working 
medal 5291
17 days ago

Hi, do you mean another race stated immediately following the last one? Or do you mean the race that was ongoing restarted?

Yes, this has been happening quite alot.
medal 5000
17 days ago

Hi, do you mean another race stated immediately following the last one? Or do you mean the race that was ongoing restarted?

Race finishes, you leave normally after the reward screen. But in the main menu it's still tge same race and you don't get rewarded ether with xp or money even if you win the race 
medal 6012
17 days ago


Hi, do you mean another race stated immediately following the last one? Or do you mean the race that was ongoing restarted?

Yes, this has been happening quite alot.

The entire game isn't working since the update 

medal 5318
17 days ago
I have the same problem with no xp. Also login never in the first time. The race start for the second time . Did they try it before launch? Beter the old game back. 
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