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New Car Stats On 1

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medal 6453
16 days ago
What did you try to do?
Start a new season

What happened instead?
Car stats reset to 1 for all attributes as opposed to base minimum for a previous 22 races season.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
iOS 18

Can the bug be reproduced?
Yes, seen a lot of reports about same.

Additional comments:
Please manually fix the attributes if possible or do I just leave the league and rejoin?
medal 5429
14 days ago
Hey there
League will start tomorrow and all car attributes still with 1 DP.
I already left the League and rejoined. However nothing changed. πŸ˜’
Can anyone help me, pls. 😊
If there is nothing to do, I'll understand. Updates sometimes are crazy !!! No heart feelings !!! 
Thanks in advance. πŸ€–
PEACE !!! ✌️
medal 6453
14 days ago
Any help with this? The season starts soon.
medal 5921
14 days ago
Just came to post this. 

Our league has the same issue. I'm just afraid if someone joins the league before the start, he/she will have an unfair advantage.

But if someone of IGP guys can fix us before the season start, that would be great. 
medal 5144 Super Mod
14 days ago
Flagged for support to review.
medal 5144 Super Mod
14 days ago
I've merged HCR / The Watcher thread with Archie's on the same subject (the oldest). I'll escalate all three instances to Admin.
medal 5041
14 days ago
I have this issue in my league too! Completed the first race of the season and car stats are still, it appears one car was unaffected as he beat everyone by miles.
medal 5383
14 days ago
Same issue in our league and had winner win race 1 by 117 seconds.
medal 5219
14 days ago
(translate)In the European Grand Prix after the update, due to a bug, some teams got 90 development points after the race, some got 60, and some got 30. ( a level 30 team can get only 30 points.)
The team that got 90 points was fast, while my team that only got 30 points was struggling.
So, can you please either strip some design points and some from the teams that got points for the bug or give development points to the teams that only got 30 points?

Here is the URL for proof.
medal 5675 Community Manager
14 days ago
Hey managers,

Since developers are away for a week and I’m alone in the studio I’ve decided that the only way to fix this is to set all the cars in the league to the same car design and move on.

I understand this solution is not the ideal, it isn’t for me either.

Ovih will set all the cars to the following base values:

Acceleration: 80
Braking: 80
Cooling: 15
Downforce: 80
Fuel Economy: 20
Handling: 80
Reliability: 15
Tyre Economy: 20
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