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Driver sacked and less money

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medal 5590
16 days ago

My driver have been sacked when i was offline.
My first driver had 8 contract races left and my second driver had 2 contract races left.
I open now the game and my first driver has 3 contract races left and my second driver have been sacked and i have a new driver lvl 1 with 47 contract races left.
Then i found a lot of money missed...i think i had 5.5m and now i have -9.3m.
So i checked the financial history and i found a lot of payement for salaries, furniture etc etc, precisely 5 races between 18:28 and 18:32 for a total of 14.8m paid . 
But i didn't start any race!!!!
if we check the contract race left, it match with the 5 races that have been considered between 18:28 and 18:32.
First driver from 8 to 3 contract race left
Second driver from 2 on the older driver "sacked" to 47 contract races left on the "new" driver lvl 1 that i found.

I checked on other players on my league and also to another player have been sacked a driver and he has a new driver lvl 1 with 48 contract races left (i think his older driver had 3 contract races left)
I tell him to check and also to all my friends on the league.

Also i have no sponsor...i remember that i start new contract sponsor like few days ago and now there no active sponsor!!!

Last thing, i think the token have been increased....i remember that i had around 80 tokens and now i had 97!!!
I thinking now, if it counted 5 races, it has been credit 15 token (3 x 5) so i had 82 token since now i have 97

Please check and let me know.

Kind regards,
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
16 days ago
Hello Simone,

Topic fixed through a ticket.
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