I was participating in a race (which I think I did quite well in) and after the race I wanted to see how many design points I would get for the next race. I quit the live stream and went back to the main page, only for the website to think that I was still racing. It still thinks the race is live, and I have no idea how to fix it. I want to be prepared for next race, but with this glitch I can't. Can anyone help?
Anyone paying attention? Cannot connect to the server on any device. Why don't we have an email or any response to technical issues? 23 minutes and counting.
well, there seems to be a technical problem. If i go to the spectate page, i see races from 3am local time (this is 7 hours ago). So there seems to be an issue with the simulator. i guess Jack will postpone the affected races to the next calender slot (like here: https://igpmanager.com/?url=forum-thread/5685). Also you can find a email adress at the webside.
But this game is just a very small team and located in europe. So this issue happened in the middle of the night. Just be patient.
Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 8 years 145 days ago (edited 8 years 145 days ago)
I'm looking in to it. Affected races were all starting at 1am GMT. Everything since then has worked fine, and the service has run many races since and is running fine right now as I check.
Something obviously went wrong at 1am GMT, and Martin is correct when he said those issues started during sleep for all three devs (based in Europe). That would have been at 3am my time.
I have already done that multiple times. I went so far as to reboot my computer! Now for some reason it is showing that the race I had last night is scheduled for tonight...
@Jack - It doesn't look like races have run since 9am today. The spectate button still shows them as being live. My Lupo 12:30 race didn't run today and the calendar is still stuck with Go to Race!
Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 8 years 145 days ago
The issue is resolved now. This affected many more races than it should have. We're very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, and we've postponed the impacted races to the next calendar slot.
Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 8 years 145 days ago
I was today 1st and 3rd and what now? where is my first win in this game?
We're really sorry Damir, but the results could not be posted due to an error with the server. It has been fixed now and the race will be run in the next available slot.
Hi Jack im sorry to say the problem isn´t solved still showing go to race button (and the race was 4 hours ago) still the same problem on other leagues or is this hour what´s giving problems?