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Reserve Staff has disappeared

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medal 5332
11 days ago
What did you try to do?
I used to have 2 Chief Designers, alternating them over the season. 1) Lev30 CD, strength ACC and weak REL 2) Lev30 CD, strength HND and weak REL

What happened instead?
The Lev30 CD, strength HANDLING and weak REL has disappeared since the update in February 2024

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
UI 7.0

What operating system is your PC?
windows 11 home

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
chrome and edge

Can the bug be reproduced?
the historical data of my CDs should probably be in your database, so I guess this can be verified

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