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Driver/staff selling price

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medal 5767
9 days ago
We should be able to atleast check how much drivers can be sold for. I mean right now the only way to check is buying one of those one-star drivers which costs millions by the way just to see the price which i can sell my drivers for. This applies to staff as well.
medal 5110 Super Mod
9 days ago
Hi Areeb

I just checked this.

When I try, If I push the sell button on my driver or staff member. I get a pop up informing me of the two choices available (Auction or Sell Now) and the money I would receive through each option.

Are you not getting the same thing?
medal 5767
9 days ago
Yes But its only possible to get those two choices if you have an extra driver. Otherwise when you click sell it will say "you have the minimum allowed number of drivers. Hire more first.". Right now I want to check how much my driver can be sold for but in order to do that i have to use up money on getting extra driver.
medal 5965
8 days ago
Buongiorno, Quando provo a installare sul pc il programma per guardare le corse 3d, mi da questo problema,
errore 0xc000012f, e non me lo fa installare come posso fare?? mi fate sapere grazie

C:/windows/system32/shfolder.dll non e destinato all'utilizzo con windows o contiene un errore, provare a reinstallare il programma dal supporto di installazione originale o rivolgersi all'amministratore di sistema o al fornitore del software, stato dell'errore 

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