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medal 5670
9 days ago
I'm wondering how I can progress my car faster as I am the 6th fastest car and getting out pace by a lower level that was in the old "rookie" whilst I have been in pro and I do have some of the best drivers in my pro league just wondering how I can progress my car faater and how to fully prepare for next season as I am garunteed no promotion
medal 5417
9 days ago (Last edited by Skid Solo 9 days ago)
There are a number of things you can do to improve.

Firstly read these as looking at your drivers and race results there are a number of things mentioned you probably aren’t doing

One of the most important things is to train your drivers as described in the guide.  Ideally you need as high a talent level driver as you can get but it’s not too important until you reach Elite.

Also to get the most out of your research and car development try to have CD& TD which are the same level as your account.

Looking at your results so can see that you are massively over fuelling  your car which will make you very slow.  Never use the default fuel load as it is deliberately heavy.  You need to aim to have no more than 1 ltr left at the end of the race and using your last race as an example you were nearly 15 litres overfuelled
medal 5670
9 days ago
Thank you so much
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