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Livery coin overcharge / livery editor PC bug?

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medal 5659
6 days ago
I used the livery editor on PC to replace the old style livery but it didn't save on PC and still had the same number of tokens, did it again, and still didn't save and still had same number of tokens. Then I tried changing on Mobile and it worked but it seems to have taken the tokens from the first 2 attempts and have now lost 40 tokens from it! My third attempt cost 40 tokens and I went from 161 tokens to 81 tokens.

Any way I could please be compensated tokens from the first 2 failed livery change attempts?

Thank you
medal 5417 Super Mod
6 days ago

I am sorry that you've encountered an issue when saving a new livery. 
I have flagged this thread to the Support Team's attention. 

Thank you. 
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
5 days ago
Hello Riyam,

Your tokens were deducted twice, so I've returned 40 tokens to your account.
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