Was there some work being done on the app for 3D? I went into app to find it was on 2D, ditched that and went to browser to check the setting and it was on 3D, went into race and it never requested to open the app at all so i ditched that and went back to the app and it was still on 2D, no viewing options at all.
This also happened to me yesterday. I had to close and reopen the app a couple of times before the race started loading in 3D. Maybe it's a bug but I found this to be a good workaround for now.
per quanto riguarda le gare 2d tutto ok oggi le faceva vedere, ma io ho sempre lo stesso problema con la 3d ma sul pc pero non sul tablet che le gare 3d me le fa guardare
José Trujillomedal 5675 Community Manager 4 days ago
Hey Luigi,
Please open a new Bugs thread and we’ll be happy to review your case. Remember to post your device details, OS version and app version.
If you’re able to write in english please go ahead and do it in this subforum. If not, I’ll be happy to answer you in the Italian subforum but please stick to the language the forum is referred.