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accidental use of tokens

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medal 5475
5 days ago (Last edited by Calvin Hobbes 5 days ago)
I was developing my technology centre to level 29.
I wanted to check how much longer it would take. it was not being shown on the screen then.
Accidentally spent 181 tokens on speeding up the building of the technology centre.
Will I be able get a refund of the tokens.
I understand that this is negligence on my part so if required, I would be open to any penalty additional to taking back the centre level to 28.
I hope you understand and I am able to get a refund
medal 5475
4 days ago
if it's not possible, can someone at least reply with a no?
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 days ago
Just to say, Mods are volunteers who also have real lives to live, so although 17 hours to wait for a response is frustrating for you... give us a chance.

I'll flag this for support to review, I don't know whether they will return your tokens but at least you haven't been ignored.
medal 5475
4 days ago
I meant to say that I wasn't sure if my request had been acknowledged or not.
Didn't mean anything else
Thanks for replying
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
4 days ago
Hello Calvin,

Unfortunately I can't refund your tokens because I have no way to return your HQ to the level it was at before you spent the tokens.
medal 5475
4 days ago
ahhh well fine then
thanks anyway
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