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AI cars should not boost

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medal 5441
7 days ago (Last edited by Napoleon Bonaparte 7 days ago)
Hi,  for years I have been frustrated that AI cars are using boost.  This is ex-tre-mely annoying, and disturbing the race that's taking place in many ways: most importantly the randomness of getting DRS and getting unlapped, but also in a straight fight as high level absent managers can be in front of you as a lower level competitor. Especially in the first stint.  It's making a lottery of the races, again and again, and advantaging or handicaping managers in a straight battle.  It's unfair and there's an easy solution.  I know I'm not the first to propose this change, I just don't get why it's never been addressed. It would be a big improvement, everyone wants a fair battle.
There are 2 easy solutions:  1) stop AI cars from boosting, and 2) no DRS detection from backmarkers.  
Please.  Thanks for listening, Napoléon
medal 5975
7 days ago
IMO I can get behind the first suggestion of AI cars not boosting; as for the second suggestion of removing DRS from backmarkers, backmarkers give off dirty air and slow down the car on lead lap as much as other cars on the lead lap do, so its only fair that they count towards DRS to make up for these losses. And not going into the complexities of implementing "no dirty air from backmarkers" from a code perspective, it would be way too unrealistic for backmarkers to not have any impact.
medal 5491
7 days ago
Its called race, and there's always something random going on in the race, sometimes they help you, sometimes they help others, its all race
medal 5692
6 days ago
A hard no. It'll kill all offline leagues. With dirty air it will just become procedure in offline leagues. Boost really shake things up in these races. 

medal 5785
6 days ago

Its called race, and there's always something random going on in the race, sometimes they help you, sometimes they help others, its all race


A hard no. It'll kill all offline leagues. With dirty air it will just become procedure in offline leagues. Boost really shake things up in these races. 

Good point, would make it boring watching an offline league race.

We’ve always got part of community shouting for more random events (crashes), I think igp already has this in backmarkers. Somehow controllable by host (kicking inactives), somehow not (low level managers). 

Sometimes you’re lucky, sometimes not, evens out in the long run, a bit like life itself
medal 5975
6 days ago

Good point, would make it boring watching an offline league race.

Not sure if I missed a memo somewhere, but the last I checked the studio wasn't too high on the concept of offline racing (usually in topics where managers have asked for advanced strategy options that would aid offline racing). So preventing AI from boosting would make all the more sense to make offline racing as unattractive and disincentivizing as possible, right?

medal 5084 Super Mod
6 days ago

Good point, would make it boring watching an offline league race.

Not sure if I missed a memo somewhere, but the last I checked the studio wasn't too high on the concept of offline racing (usually in topics where managers have asked for advanced strategy options that would aid offline racing). So preventing AI from boosting would make all the more sense to make offline racing as unattractive and disincentivizing as possible, right?

Yes, the game owners always promote the USP of the game as being an online experience, racing toe-to-toe with other members of the iGP community. They have said on a number of occasions they will not waste time and resources introducing features to specifically support off-line racing. But neither do they (or IMHO should they) go out of their way to actively discourage off-line racing, which this proposal would do.

There are quite a number of very competitive and well supported offline leagues in the game, managers who race in these leagues do so because, for a variety of reasons, they can't set aside a specific hour each day. Many of these managers still contribute real money to the game and if you actively discourage offline leagues they'll most likely leave the game which will ultimately hit revenue.
medal 5785
6 days ago
Indeed, not encourage is not the same as discourage. Me personally can only afford to race online in one timeslot so I race offline in another timeslot. I think it’s a totally different craft online vs offline, I’m getting the hang of it but to master it is not easy, quite a nice challenge for an experienced online player imo
medal 5007
6 days ago

Good point, would make it boring watching an offline league race.

Not sure if I missed a memo somewhere, but the last I checked the studio wasn't too high on the concept of offline racing (usually in topics where managers have asked for advanced strategy options that would aid offline racing). So preventing AI from boosting would make all the more sense to make offline racing as unattractive and disincentivizing as possible, right?

If they want to hasten the demise of the game.  There is a reason more and more offline leagues are being launched.  Unfortunately no one in control of the game understands this and ploughs on regardless.  The recent upgrade has done nothing to improve the attractiveness of the game to existing Managers or newcomers.  It’s a shame, but it is what at it is.  Apologies to go a bit off topic here, but this whole anti offline really gets my goat.

medal 5215
5 days ago
Strong disagree on those who don't see the merits of Offline. The game is called iGPManager, not iGPManagerDriver.
I get that the online aspects is good from an immersion point of view, but I enjoy treating this same as a management Sim, where I'm strictly the manager only. 
Removing Boost and DRS will detract from the quality of the Offline Sim, as there's be no incentive to upgrade the factory, in addition to the overtaking challenges mentioned earlier.
medal 5625
5 days ago
That would penalise managers whom are usually online whom cannot make races for actual reasons.

Let us say that you have to work at race time and cannot attend the race.  In this hypothetical, you have set up your car, but you just do not have the time to attend the race.  If things remain, you actually have the oppurtunity to get lower points than usual, if you have set up properly for the race.  Now let us assume that the carpet stoppage of boost has been imposed.  You have no chance of points.  And that could affect your overall season.
I mean, there are even arguments that you could affect everybodys seasons with such a rule (it is a bit like the current general opinion wrt flags and safety cars, to me).

I do have a better proposal...
Boost should be removed from teams that do NOT set up for a race.  That is the real problem that we have here, is inactive teams boostingvat the worst possible times.
medal 5084 Super Mod
5 days ago
I'd be happy if cars that are not set up are excluded from the race entirely.

I imagine it would be reasonably simple to detect cars that had run no practice laps and had default settings/strategy and then not enter them into the race. The exclusion code must already exist for the 24 hour rule. This is another safeguard against farming and if a manager has genuinely forgotten to set up or real life problems have taken them away from the game for a few days, they're not going to potentially lose staff or sponsors because of contract expiry.

Alternatively (but not as good) make the default stint 1 tyre the hard compound and default fuel load either zero or one litre. Anyone who hasn't set up will qualify at the back and run out of fuel on lap 1.
medal 5785
5 days ago
No boost would mean you encounter these teams even more, doesn’t solve anything. Kicking inactives is a solution, partly.

Exclusion would create problems with research, design points and next season car design I imagine 
medal 5692
4 days ago

I'd be happy if cars that are not set up are excluded from the race entirely.

I imagine it would be reasonably simple to detect cars that had run no practice laps and had default settings/strategy and then not enter them into the race. The exclusion code must already exist for the 24 hour rule. This is another safeguard against farming and if a manager has genuinely forgotten to set up or real life problems have taken them away from the game for a few days, they're not going to potentially lose staff or sponsors because of contract expiry.

Alternatively (but not as good) make the default stint 1 tyre the hard compound and default fuel load either zero or one litre. Anyone who hasn't set up will qualify at the back and run out of fuel on lap 1.

Yes, if coding this is possible.. 100%. In fully active leagues, people retire their cars if they can't make it live. But even in not that top tier leagues where you have to retire the car by the rules, you can still setup and not be lapped and interfere with the live race. Even score points. 

Non setup cars have no place on the grid in my opinion. 
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