Roland Tamás medal 5445 10 hours ago
It was rainy during the test laps, so I put on intermediate rain tires at the start. Then it didn't rain for the race, but I did a few laps on intermediate rain tires, and then the rest of the race on soft tires. There were 2 tire compounds, and 2 teams were even disqualified for this. Don't rain tires qualify as another tire compound?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 4 hours ago
In order for Inters to be classed as one of the two allowable compounds, there must be water on the track at "lights out".
If the track is dry at the start of the race, two different "dry compound" tyres must be used to satisfy the tyre rules.
If rain falls at any point during the race, tyre rules do not apply.

Gyuri Molnár medal 5932 4 hours ago
This is not true! In the first race in our league, I put rain tires on one of the cars in the last stage and they didn't disqualify me!
20. G Négyesi