Alf Wiklund medal 5000 8 years 112 days ago
robbed on 16 tokens.
i bought 20 engines for 16 tokens like 15 minutes ago. But no engines in my account.
Also i changed legue and the car devlopement got back to nearly zero. ??????????????
Sam Leo medal 5000 8 years 112 days ago
Hi Alf are you sure you bought engines and not parts ? i am not clever i did that mistake;)
Jack Basford medal 5419
CEO & CTO 8 years 112 days ago
Yes, I saw a thread saying the same thing just the other day before they realised they bought parts and not engines.
Alf Wiklund medal 5000 8 years 112 days ago
Hmm, now then you say, but this is still ridiculus and make me angry so it is. Feels very bad thath a such missread of me can't be rewoked. My opinion. Make one to lost some off the fun in game. Now i stand with a worn engine and nothing to replace it with. I will delete my account and start over. And yes it is also thath then i changed legue and lost a good built car developement, it hurts.
Eric Penser medal 5000 8 years 112 days ago
I could not find how to delete the account so i started this as a new try from all sorrows.