Fredrik Sjöstrand medal 5044 8 years 109 days ago
Both "red stared" drivers in my two teams have suddenly stopped developing. They gain just one percent for each training click, while their yellow stared teammates gain 7 or 8 percent per click. Is this a new feature or is it a bug?
Picture in this Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154598203285629&set=o.203666419719837&type=3&theater
Martin Hauck medal 5000 8 years 109 days ago
If you reach the level cap of a driver the training will nearly stop (this one percent as you mentioned). So this is a new feature.
Esteban Alonso medal 5000 8 years 19 days ago
@Jack the game not save well the training selection when you change the training tab
Daniel Schupp medal 5000 8 years 19 days ago
Same here, the changes to the training tab, like which driver to train or what to train, are not saving for me as well despite clicking on the red save button, which does vanish after clicking it though.
I haven't noticed anything like that on other tabs involving save.
Calberto Gustamorti medal 5000 8 years 18 days ago
Something similar to me. I'm in Pro and both my drivers are level 14. Can't change the training setup, whenever i do and save, it stands still on "driving ability". Is it because of the level cap in pro?
Daniel Schupp medal 5000 8 years 18 days ago
It doesn't saves changes for my reserve driver who's still below the cap as well and it did work for some time for my main drivers even they were blocked by the level cap in Pro then already. Might still be the case but I'm tending more towards the latest patch broke something there, it did start around the time when the units/App patch was deployed.
Jack Basford medal 5422
CEO & CTO 8 years 18 days ago
The training not saving bug has been fixed now. Thanks for reporting it.
Daniel Schupp medal 5000 8 years 18 days ago
Thanks Jack, confirmed, it's working again. Hope you'll have a nice weekend. :-)