William McCone medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago (edited 13 years 55 days ago)
Quick question.
I started the last race of the season with a rating of 5200, won the race and have now got a rating of 5195?
Why did I lose 5 points? Previous wins in the league only granted +1 point so why -5 on the last race. I finished second in the championship if that has any bearing on things.

Marius Golombeck medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago (edited 13 years 55 days ago)
There seems to be an issue with Reputation calulation in decreasing filled league spots. I'll forward this to the bugs forum.
Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 53 days ago
Updated Marius' thread with solution.