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Car attributes reset too low...

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medal 5000
8 years 127 days ago
hi jack, after season is finished the car attributes get reset too low, also the regular design points which we get after race finish also not updated, how on such a low attributes one can start the new season, here m talking bout braking [1] what it is ..., ok rest other din changed so drastically, but not able to understand reset calculation on what basis its been reset

how to screen capture
medal 5000
8 years 127 days ago
Thats what you get for tyring to copy me. lol

I finished 8th the season to get this

did you finish higher or lower?
you are level 8 I'm level 19
you race every 2days I race everyday
But the cars are very alike
medal 5044
8 years 127 days ago
Dude. You're only level 8.
medal 5000
8 years 112 days ago
Thats what you get for tyring to copy me. lol

I finished 8th the season to get this

did you finish higher or lower?
you are level 8 I'm level 19
you race every 2days I race everyday
But the cars are very alike

m winning the league since last 3 seasons...
changed the league to get promoted didn't got promoted as i joined the league in between and there as well i started winning, now m in same league and 6 races finished i won all the race..
since the car was reset too low so m getting the good DP's but wining the race as my driver is well developed everything is good other than talent.
medal 5000
8 years 87 days ago
I finshed my session was second overall and to be honest im a little dissapointed. I've just hit lvl 7 and got promoted to pro league. My Chief Designer is 4 stars droped because of level increase. and all the stats have droped loads i mean i pay for new staff to boost my car not make it worse. first place on the league is my frind who i speak to his C.D is 3 1/2 stars and his car stats are well higher than mine and 3ed place now has a better car than me how is this possable.
medal 5105
8 years 87 days ago
I had a similar thing when I ranked up, my staff all lost one or two stars and I had to wait to re-hire decent ones (they're hard to find though, there seems to be a shortage of decent staff!)

Also, check your CD's strength and weakness .... yours is weak in Braking so you will always start with a low score here. My last CD was weak at Acceleration so I ended up being lapped a lot. CD's strength and weakness also affects the amount of Research points gained in those areas.
medal 5000
8 years 87 days ago
I do understand the C.D strength and weakness but in real life the improvements on a car would not be lost in the next session. it would be like finishing 1st at the end of all the races then starting the next session and forgetting every thing you have improved on and taking a few things off the car. should always be higher and the weakness should mean you add only one or two points it just dose not feel right to do all that work then lose it.
medal 5000
8 years 87 days ago
The system used has to be this way, else all cars would be developed to the max halfway into the season. View it as a result of rule changes, or the new car being developed after a new design strategy, making your design team starting at square one again, if you like. Or it representing this seasons range of design possibilities. Last years development is old and basic by then after all, with new technology and ideas opening up new areas to improve into. Since you're starting better off after finishing at the top the system even aknowledges last seasons design strength, as in scoring at the top quite likely means a good car, amongst other things.
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