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New transfers bidding bug?!

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medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago
This i didn't think would happen I know I had placed a bid on Jowar Patel and had 4 tokens at the start of day. After an hour after I placed the bid suddenly my bid isn't shown and buy now is available again with the token still taken can this be the next thing fixed?
medal 5000
8 years 100 days ago
Hi Henry, Sorry about this, I was testing an update and your bids got lost in the system. I've credited your account with the tokens lost.
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
i guess, i also encountered into a bug.

i had a live bidding with this driver (shortlisted him first)

i've won in round 4. But then after i looked into staff page i couldn't find him.

Now he is assign at the team Vobis racing (which seems to be inactive since 2012) and just has level 1

medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
I put a curse on you for winning that guy away from me Martin. By the way it was a CD not a driver:)
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
I put a curse on you for winning that guy away from me Martin. By the way it was a CD not a driver:)

oh, yeah, i meant CD. *blush* to much things at the same time in my mind ^^
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago

I bid on this chap and according to the auction I won it. I even saw the message. However, going to my staff screen I haven't and if I look at J.Miskinis he is at a level 1 team called Vobis Team. They don't even have a reputation.

Please can you either associate the Doctor with my team or refund the token and cash?

This is about the third auction bid I have had issue with.
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
i have the same issue.all staff and driver that i won never transfered.
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
yeah had also bug today...
medal 5079 Super Mod
8 years 99 days ago
I'm not sure I fully understand the staff transfer system. I recently levelled up and as a result my 4.5 star staff suddenly became 4 star. A bit of a pain that I now have to shell out millions of pounds and valuable tokens to upgrade staff, an even bigger pain that decent CDs are rare as rocking horse sh** but hey ho that's the game so better get on with recruiting.
So to minimise my token spend earlier today I put bids in against two L16 doctors... Erik Turk and Grace Robinson. Each bid cost a token but I thought bidding against 2 I might stand a chance of hiring one of them
I get no notification that the auction is drawing to a close nor that someone else is bidding on the same staff.
I've just checked and see that both doctors are now employed by Vobis Team who is L1 (these are L16 staff) and the team doesn't appear to have been active since 10th January 2012!
Can someone please explain how this happens, I'm getting mighty frustrated with the transfer market because both buying and selling seems to be a black art.
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
very interesting Kevin, as my CD where i've won the auction against 3others today, also was employed by this Vobis Team!!!!

oh btw, that your 4.5 became a 4 star, was because the stars are relative to your manager level. (same counts for drivers, but for drivers stars aren't important)
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
You'll also notice that my Doctor is employed by Vobis Team too!
medal 5000
8 years 99 days ago
I've just had this problem again today. As a noob I was delighted to find a young driver with 16 talent and placed a bid on him, watched it all the way to the end of the auction only to find I'd wasted a valuable token and my time as he was transferred to Vobis. Being new I just put it down to someone being better than me at the auction but have since lost 2 doctors and tokens the same way and thought it must be some kind of bug.
Is there anyway the right staff could be transferred to the right teams please as I doubt refunding the tokens will do any good if we are unable to bid on staff?
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 98 days ago
A patch is coming shortly. The bid server is temporarily offline while it is completed. If you let me know how many tokens you spent, we will get your balanced topped up.
medal 5000
8 years 98 days ago
Just one token spent on this occasion with Eagles Racing (this account).

medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 98 days ago
It should be fixed now, Token sent. Anyone else just post how many you spent and I'll top up your account.
medal 5000
8 years 98 days ago
Yeah Hauck I think that's been a bug I noticed that when I won Balázs Sebestyén(Tried taking a picture but clicked of it trying to take the picture) it also went to Vobis Team. Then other cases I know of(didn't happen to me just shown on the shortlist) are Jack Jones and Jowar Patel. The Jowar one is wierd since he has a similar one only difference is that Jowar has 1 more experience other than the fact a level 1 with name null and reputation null won 3 level 7+ people.
medal 5000
8 years 98 days ago
5 tokens here.
medal 5000
8 years 98 days ago
would it be possible to release this many staff members also from the vobis team?
medal 5000
8 years 98 days ago
4 tokens here. Thank you for getting fixed so quickly :)
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 98 days ago
Those tokens should be in your accounts now. I will be releasing all the drivers/staff from that team, but I'm not sure when.
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