Andersen trc medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago
Hello !
I've just finished my 1st season, the 1st race of the 2nd season is starting in few days. Do I get any penalties if going out of my current league and going into another with everyday races and then going again back to my 1st league I was racing before?

Jeff MacKay medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago
Maybe I can help. I also just finished my first season and switched to another league that had 2 races left in their season. I started with my component levels at the next season values of 30-40%. However by just racing the last 2 races of a season, I am now starting my next season with 2-10% developement of my compoments. If I had known that, I would have waited for the start of the next season. Hopefully you can learn from my mistake :)

Andersen trc medal 5000 13 years 55 days ago
I was thinking about this yes. So not a good idea switching to another league for just few races .
Thanks for the suggestion.

John Smith medal 5000 13 years 53 days ago
What about when you want to switch after the season? Your design progres for the next season will be reset?

Michael Wallace medal 5000 13 years 52 days ago
No, if you finish one season and then switch leagues your "next season" design progress carries over. I finished a 1 car league season, switched to a new 2 car league and my design stuff carried over to become "this season".
What happens then is your "next season" then resets to 2%. This means that you can't keep building up the car season after season after season.

Artur Mlodzinski medal 5000 13 years 52 days ago
And what happens with next season if you dont swich leagues?
I would like to know this because we have a plan to merge two leagues, and dont know if we should create new league and move all drivers to the new one or drivers from one league can join other league?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 52 days ago
If the host cancels a league or kicks the participants no penalties are applied to the teams. Joining the new league will reset the car performance level though, to prevent exploitation of this option.