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Data not updated on session

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medal 5000
8 years 94 days ago

done testing, but system not showing the Fuel consumption, no timing

image post

And also not showing up in the list of practice result

temp image upload
medal 5000
8 years 94 days ago

done testing, but system not showing the Fuel consumption, no timing

image post

And also not showing up in the list of practice result

temp image upload

I assume you joined the league just a couple of minutes or hours prior to the race; if that's the case, not only your practice times won't be shown and your setups won't be saved, but also your drivers won't attend that particular race since you joined too late; it should be back to normal from the following event onwards. At least that's what happened to me several weeks ago.
medal 5000
8 years 94 days ago

done testing, but system not showing the Fuel consumption, no timing

image post

And also not showing up in the list of practice result

temp image upload

I assume you joined the league just a couple of minutes or hours prior to the race; if that's the case, not only your practice times won't be shown and your setups won't be saved, but also your drivers won't attend that particular race since you joined too late; it should be back to normal from the following event onwards. At least that's what happened to me several weeks ago.

hi JC i joined around 20 hrs back and yes u r ryt m not there in quali as well and probably will not there in race as well as race going to start in another 10 mins
medal 5000
8 years 94 days ago
Birjeesh, I'm facing the same problem.
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