Alex Stopp medal 5000 12 years 366 days ago
I have level 4 on both. I recently got 3rd at my last grand prix. The other managers in my league have level 5s now! Im stuck on level 4 giving me a disadvantage in design, suppport staff and important staff roles such as Chief desighner etc. I need the promotion to stay with them.
Jeff MacKay medal 5000 12 years 366 days ago (edited 12 years 365 days ago)
If you click on the magnifying glass or chart you will see how many more xp points you need to advance. Not everyone will advance at the same rate. There seems to be a lot of factors that determine how many xp points you get. That said, it is not a huge disadvantage having a lower level. I won DC and TC in my first season against managers that had a full season advantage and were at least 2 levels ahead of me at all times. That's the great thing about this game, it's not just about building up your level and xp. different strategies will have a big impact. Work on a good setup and watch those tire temps and you will still be competative.
Alex Stopp medal 5000 12 years 366 days ago
It says i am 98xp off level 5 in scouting and 100xp in developement. That is the same as about 5 MORE podiums in my league!
Unknown medal 0 12 years 366 days ago
You can choose who you are racing against.
Jeff MacKay medal 5000 12 years 365 days ago
There's a simple reason you are at level 4 still. You have competed in 3 less races than the managers that are at level 5 You have done only 13 races, they have done 16. You will also be at level 5 in 3 more races.
Gisty McGisterson medal 5000 12 years 365 days ago
There's a simple reason you are at level 4 still. You have competed in 3 less races than the managers that are at level 5 You have done only 13 races, they have done 16. You will also be at level 5 in 3 more races.