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Can't get the staff!

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medal 5047
8 years 68 days ago
Hi people

I've been struggling to find a good CD for my level, the transfers is full of rank 8 and I'm a 12 now. Finally I found this guy and when I click to sign him it doesn't do anything.

The icon to bid flashes and then nothing happens. I tried buy now too, but same result. I'm doing this from my phone (iPhone) if that makes any difference. What's the beef?

As a second point. When I changed from rank 11 to 12, all three of my staff lost a star and seemed to drop rank. Anyone know why this might be? This is the main reason I'm trying to replace them, but at the same time the rank 12 market is empty :(
medal 5000
8 years 68 days ago
Hi David,

I am not familiar with the iPhone browser, but if there is any issue around HTTPS connection I know they bid functions down work. For example I am behind a proxy in work, and as a result I cant bid on staff or drivers as I can't get a proper HTTPS connection.
medal 5000
8 years 68 days ago
Would this help you get a better https connection on your phone
medal 5000
8 years 68 days ago
Droping stars
It's like say a low level 6 manager selling a 5 star driver, you with you higher level, click on it to look at him, you will see 3 or 3 and half stars.
The staff you have are no good to you with 4 and half stars, but someone a level below you is seeing them as 5 stars.
It's keeping a level playing field, no matter what your level you can have 5 star staff. In a way it's to force you to buy new staff every time you level up, to keep getting the optimal results or performance out of design, training & research.
medal 5047
8 years 67 days ago
Thanks for the replies guys!

Jamie, I think you might be right, I was at work earlier and it's possible I'd connected to the office wifi without noticing. I just put an offer in and it was succesful, so I'll have to remember this next time.

James, thanks, I have plenty of data usually so if I disable wifi when I'm borwsing at work that should work too.

Re: stars... I never realised that happened. So in fact my staff didn't change abilities,but I was now a little higher level than them so I was 'looking down on them' (for lack of a better way to put it)

Thanks again both :)
medal 5047
8 years 67 days ago
Oh as a side note, just want to say.... I learned about the strengths and weaknesses of CD's at the start of the new season a couple of days ago. I'd seen it before but not realised the impact.... my old CD was weak at acceleration, thus I started with just 2 points in it. :(

It's going to be a hard season.
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