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Training Drivers

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medal 5000
8 years 67 days ago
I have three drivers, 1 reserve and 2 to race - my 2 to race were 'healed' and ready to race and I was attempting to train my reserve, so I un-checked the green boxes next to my two drivers that I did not want to train and clicked 'Train'

However, much to my surprise it trained these two drivers and did nothing to the one I intended to train? This now continues to happen when I try to train my drivers - mildly irritating as it is doing the opposite of what I want it to do!

Does anyone know of a fix?

medal 5000
8 years 67 days ago
I'm just experiencing something similar in form of a display problem with the UI in that tab:

The other state of the checkbox is blank, just white like the background. Then the state above where it does display both tick images side by side the box is actually unticked or off, as can be seen on the greyed out and showing 0 tokens heal button and grey train button.

Browser: Iridium 64bit (Chromium based)

Edit: Logging out and clearing browser cache fixed it.
medal 5088
8 years 67 days ago
I have three drivers, 1 reserve and 2 to race - my 2 to race were 'healed' and ready to race and I was attempting to train my reserve, so I un-checked the green boxes next to my two drivers that I did not want to train and clicked 'Train'

However, much to my surprise it trained these two drivers and did nothing to the one I intended to train? This now continues to happen when I try to train my drivers - mildly irritating as it is doing the opposite of what I want it to do!

Does anyone know of a fix?


If you train now is it working?
medal 5000
8 years 61 days ago
This problem seems t have fixed itself now
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