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weather showing no rain, setup showing raining

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medal 5000
8 years 67 days ago
link for league

medal 5000
8 years 67 days ago
link for league

race gonna locked after half n hr what setup we need to keep
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
8 years 67 days ago
It's currently not raining. The reason it shows rain on the setup lap is because it was raining when the lap was done. You should use a dry setup, if the weather is not going to change again for the race. You can check the local weather forecast information for the circuit using Google or a weather service.
medal 5000
8 years 67 days ago
It's currently not raining. The reason it shows rain on the setup lap is because it was raining when the lap was done. You should use a dry setup, if the weather is not going to change again for the race. You can check the local weather forecast information for the circuit using Google or a weather service.

thanks a lot Jack
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