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End Of Season - Losing Design Points

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medal 5000
8 years 61 days ago

I understand the system that at the beginning of a new season a cars design points can fluctuate and change. I've completed two seasons, after the first there was a difference between certain aspects of the car but it wasn't overly vast, at worst probably being about a 10 point difference between my strengths and weaknesses. This season I have ended up with a car that has gone from roughly 30 braking at season close to 1 braking.

I'm not sure whether this is a bug or just how the game works but it's quite frustrating that it's now going to take me at least 5-6 races to bring that number back up again. I can see why there is change to simulate development in real life but surely this cannot be correct?
medal 5000
8 years 61 days ago
You are lvl 7 and your CD is lvl 6. Your CD's weakness is braking. All working as intended because you develop a new car for the new season. As you level up, and keep your CD lvl as high as your lvl, the weakness value won't be so low
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