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staff 20tal 19exp 20mor is 4.5stars

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medal 5000
8 years 30 days ago
then, i understand stars has nothing to do with attributes. nothing at all. Am i right?

medal 5000
8 years 30 days ago
Goodluck getting an answer Dan
medal 5088
8 years 29 days ago
then, i understand stars has nothing to do with attributes. nothing at all. Am i right?


The star rating of staff is tied to your manager level.
If you're level 17, and the staff is level 16, then they're likely to be a 4 star or 4 1/2 star. If you were to level up, that might drop to 3 1/2 stars or 4 stars.
medal 5000
8 years 29 days ago
then, i understand stars has nothing to do with attributes. nothing at all. Am i right?


The star rating of staff is tied to your manager level.
If you're level 17, and the staff is level 16, then they're likely to be a 4 star or 4 1/2 star. If you were to level up, that might drop to 3 1/2 stars or 4 stars.
Yes, the stars result from manager level compared to the level of the staff.

The level of staff is connected to the attributes but Dan has a point there, there is something else. It might be age playing a role but I didn't find a pattern there, but that might be because attributes of different staff may be differently weighted and you don't often have 2 staff of the same role or, probably, since it didn't worry me enough I haven't compared similar staff on the transfer list, yet, so data was very limited and far apart. So it could be age or something completly different like good looks for all I know.

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