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Race Viewer Not Been Updated Yet

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medal 5000
8 years 22 days ago
No MPH on show only KPH, Jack is a slave driver, alway one step ahead of everyone else in the team.
Viewer devs likely have it done sometime in the next 24-48hrs
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
8 years 22 days ago
Pretty much hit the nail on the head. :P Give it 24-48 hours I'd say.
medal 5422 CEO & CTO
8 years 21 days ago
Actually, it might take a while. There needs to be some internal discussion about how it is implemented as they are considering revising the way settings are passed to the viewre to optimise it more.
medal 5000
8 years 21 days ago
Whatever a buddy is downloading in the beta viewer the (32000000 it's more than but cant remember the numbers) works great on 2GB RAM computers, using Medium Quality.
Please keep that downloading bit in the viewer.
The stable version for some reason only works on Very Low quality setting on my 2GB RAM computer.
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