Chris Louth medal 5000 8 years 5 days ago
I mentioned this in another thread but it was probably missed.
I noticed eventually that the drivers you scout in your academy will be the same nationality as the manager. On two of my accounts I am scouting drivers who are a nationality that I was in the past but not currently.
Chris Louth medal 5000 8 years 5 days ago
Btw for the record I am trying for nationalities that are in the game, i'm not trying to get someone from the South Sandwich Islands or something silly
Brandon Snyder medal 5000 7 years 365 days ago
Still having issues bud XD hope it works for you
Chris Louth medal 5000 7 years 364 days ago
ill be waiting atleast another month as that seems to be the waiting time on here for a response
Chris Louth medal 5000 7 years 339 days ago
Why does my post keep being deleted? lol
Jack Basford medal 5424
CEO & CTO 7 years 338 days ago
Which post? Also, which accounts? And which nationalities? :)
Chris Louth medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
Two posts in the past week bumping this
All of mine now.
All stuck on previous nationalities. Which off the top of my head is UK, Romanian, Mexican and Icelandic
James Greer medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
I don't think the game is setup to give driver and staff for all the countries.
This account from the start has been Philippines, but drivers and staff I started with where all British.
My TD's contract runs out in 5 days most likely I will be given a British replacement.
Chris Louth medal 5000 7 years 338 days ago
That is true but Romanian, Mexican, Icelandic and British drivers/staff have always been on the game