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Race Viewer GUI Went Blank During Race

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medal 5088
8 years 5 days ago
My race viewer in Chrome went blank at the worst possible time.

In the chat I saw the Server Announcement TOGGLE MEMORY, then around 10 seconds later, I lost all of the GUI.

In the image above, I'm still selected to one of my drivers on track and the zoomed view is still following him.

I tried to open a new viewer without closing out of the first one, but it was to no avail. Coming down to the lap before the final lap, my drivers pit just as the new viewer loaded up, costing me a 1-2 finish.

I am not running the beta viewer and never have.
medal 5000
8 years 4 days ago
Well, first off your in the debug mode which people know about. If you do Ctrl + shift and C the GUI will turn off like that. Doing ctrl shift c will make it come back.
medal 5000
8 years 4 days ago
Hi Darren,

RE Debug mode... I have never know or never enabled it before, the key combo is not something I would use, but the other day I got a "Server Announcement - debug mode enabled" and all of a sudden I could see FPS rate etc.

It was last Saturday morning in the "Champions League" if I remember correctly.
medal 5088
8 years 4 days ago
Well, first off your in the debug mode which people know about. If you do Ctrl + shift and C the GUI will turn off like that. Doing ctrl shift c will make it come back.

I never knew there was a debug mode. Debug mode should probably be disabled in the Stable build. Regardless, this is unusual because it happened on its own.
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